Barefoot Path

Rock-crushing machinery and a writer’s mind are similar in out-put.

These weekly-or-so Posts I write are coarse, 3” broken rock material only useful in the repair of logging roads – aggregate big enough to support loaded log trucks, too small to cut the sidewalls of your tires.

Probably, the smallest rock-crusher product is called “quarter-minus” - of a consistency that fines down from ¼” to sand. Quarter-minus is a paver, too. People use it in secret gardens. Secluded barefoot paths, winding beside little hidden ponds are paved in quarter-minus – finishing inviting approaches to seating-area sanctuaries - where someone might promise their hand.

Quarter-minus – almost the same thing as the published fictions found in WORKS here on this site – useful for barefoot paths.


A Heart on a Shelf


My Mind is SO Open!