Fiction: Diagram #3

Sending it Off

The Literary Magazines need your story; for your purposes, their primary business is publishing - both on-line and in print - original, previously unpubbed short fictions*. There are a LOT of Literary Magazines; the kind of audiences they are trying to attract are fascinatingly various. At the end of this Post find a list of Literary Magazines I have built over two years of publishing.  None of them charge “reading fees”. Some of them will actually pay you.

From my list, pick a Magazine name and google it. This will take you to the Magazine’s home page that nearly always explains their submission process. Very few Magazines now accept story submissions via USPS. Instead, their on-line submission vehicles will accept your story for possible publication.

For the most part, in from a week to a year, the Magazine you submitted your story to will get back to you - usually via e-mail – and usually just to give you some sort of “no thanks”, but…

…if you are submitting your story as described above, you are fishing anyhow; you are by-passing the obvious step of studying your googled Magazine’s archives to find out the audience to which they are catering. Personally, even studying a Magazine’s archive, I never could see – besides quality writing - what they wanted, but...

…most Magazines accept what is known as “simultaneous submissions” – meaning, you can send your story to twenty mags in twenty days – or even twenty minutes. Only problem with simultaneous submissions, is you are now obligated, the day your story is accepted by a Magazine, to extend the important professional courtesy of notifying the Magazines you haven’t heard back from.

It is crucial for the safety of your ego, that I repeat that there are many, many Literary Magazines; you are competing for publication. They will “judge” your story. They will thumbs-up/down only their own publication of your story.

But don’t forget that amongst themselves, Literary Magazines are competing also. If I am right about you, you are among the Writers producing the sublimity for which Literary Magazines are competing.

I have it on good authority that Literary Magazines need your story more than you need them.


Literary Magazines*

 *Many of the Magazines in this list below also publish Essays, Memoir, Poetry, Art, etc. It is like an Easter Egg hunt, just in itself, to search among the many, many Literary Magazines not listed here and find the ones that publish what you are doing.



Apple Valley Review    (ed. Leah Browning)                    

A Public Space(1/1-1/31)                  

Bacopa Literary Review                     

Baltimore Review                              

Barnstorm Journal                             

Bateau Press                                      

Behind Closed Doors                         

Bennington Review                           


Blue Earth Review                             

Blue Lake Review(does re-prints)    

Bodega Magazine                              

Booth Lit. mag                                   

Boulevard(free via Post)                                           

Brilliant Flash Fiction                                               

Capra Review                                    

Cardinal Sins                                     


Cheap Pop(June-20%)                       

Chestnut Review(flash fiction)                                 

Cimarron Review                              

Cincinnati Review($25/page)           

Citron Review                                    

Cleaning Up Glitter                           

Club Plum Lit(scary?)                       

Coachella Review                              

Cobalt Review                                   

Colorado Review(free only via Post)

Common Ground Review                  


Consequence Magazine(war related)            


Contrary magazine                            

Crab Creek Review(seattle)

Crack the Spine(flash/micro fiction)            

CRAFT(to 6K – some re-prints)       

Critical Pass Review                          

Dream Catcher(<2K, post)                

Emerge Literary Journal                    

Ennoia Review(no simos, does reprints)

Everyday Fiction(flash fiction/no simo)


Faultline Journal(10/15-12/15)         


Fiction Int’l                                        

Fictive Dream                                    

Fields Magazine

Filling Station                                    

Fish Food Magazine(flash fiction)

Five on the Fifth                                

Five to One                                        

Fleas on the Dog                                

Flint Hills Review                             

Floyd City Moonshine                       

The Forge(free submissions 1st of mo.)         

Flash Fiction On-line(500-1K – re-prints)

Fractured Lit(some re-prints) (scary flash fiction)   

Friday Flash Fiction                          

Ghost Parachute                                

Ginosko Literary Journal(Robert Paul Cesaretti Ed.)

Gold Man Review(Salem, Oregon)(regional only)

Gone Lawn                                        

Grain Magazine($50/page)

Gravity of the Thing

Guernica(no flash fiction)($150/story)         

Harper’s Magazine                            

Harpoon Review(1.1K max)             

Heavy Feather (1st of mo.)                 

Hopkins Review                                

Hudson Review                                 

The Hunger(nifty!)(1/1-1/31)


Invisible City(U of SFO?)                 


The Journal(OSU)


Lascaux Review(re-prints)                

Lamp Light

Levee magazine                                 

Light and Dark

litbreak(1st of mo.)                             

LIT Magazine                                    

Little Fiction

Little Star Journal                              

Literally Stories                                 

Literary Orphans                               

Literary Yard                                     

Louisiana Literature Journal             

Louisville Review

Lunch Ticket

Lumiere Review                                


Malahat Review                                 

Matador Review

Maudlin House(3.5K)                        


Menacing Hedge(scary)                    

Mid-American Review                      

Midway Journal                                 

Milk Candy Review                           

Moss Journal(PNW)($125/story)      

Mud Season Review                          


The Nation                                         

The New Yorker                                

Ninth Letter(free only Nov/Dec)

Noctua Review(submit 10/l – 12/31)


O-Dark-Thirty(for Veterans)                         

Olive Tree Review                             

One Story                                           

Ostrich Review                                  

Oyster River pages                            

Passages North                                  

Pidgeon Holes(flash fiction)             

Pinball(pays $25/story)($15/flash fiction)


Potato Soup Journal                           

Press Pause Press                               

Puritan Literary Magazine                

Quarter After Eight                            

Raleigh Review

Rougarou(every 4 mos)                     

Ruminate Magazine                          

Rumpus(1/1-1/31, 7/1-7/31)              

The Rupture                                       

The Rush


Salt Hill Journal(7/15-9/1, 12/1-1/15)

SAND Journal



Silver Pen Writers                             

Slice(pubbs 8%)

Small Print Magazine                        

SmokeLong Quarterly(1K)               

Southampton Review                        

Southwest Review                             


Spelk(flash fiction)

Stoneboat Lit. Journal

Stonecoast Review                            

Storm Cellar                                      


Straylight(no simo)

The Sun                                              

The Temz Review                             

Three Penny Review(open 1/1-5/1)  

Timberline Review(WillametteWriters)


Tiny Molecules(flash fiction)           

Tiny Spoon Lit Magazine                  

Type House Lit Mag(Oregon)           

Unbound Journal(U of O)


The Void                                            

The Waking(see Ruminate)

Waterstone Review                            

West Branch                                      


White Wall Review                           

Woven Tale Press(reprints after 5 yr)

Write City(<1.8K)

Yalobusha Review                             




Sources for More Magazines*

















Fiction: Diagram #4


Fiction: Diagram #2