
In the winter, there is something to be discovered about jig-saw puzzles - which ones are hard and which ones aren't. A 1,500 piece jig-saw puzzle takes all of your concentration. You will be ranting that somebody must have lost some of the pieces. Out of frustration, you will be trying to fit pieces where they don't belong. Out of frustration, you will be telling yourself you just don't care about the damn thing, but you started out just wanting in the worst way to put together the depicted container ship that is passing below the Golden Gate in-bound, but you can't and so you walk away disgusted and then in the middle of the night, you are resenting you are awake again and you happen to walk past the table where the puzzle is growing and you can't stop from just taking a quick look and now the sun is coming up and you still can't find the piece with the bit of intervening rock that you know is hiding the ship's plimsoll mark. Monotonous, monstrous mental detox. I recommend it




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