Status of N3
Dear Subscribers and Surfers,
Now about that novel I am working-titling N3...
This point in time is like standing on the edge of eleven years old and not knowing what your strengths are and you are throwing rocks at brown bleach bottles that you have set up randomly on some dump-truck humps of dirt behind a gas station.
You are not hitting bottles for the longest time and then you start to hit and you get excited and start throwing harder, but you don’t hit any more of the bottles, yet you are desperate to break more bottles because you have to be home before dark.
So you keep at it.
That’s me. I am at the point where I know I can hit, but don’t know how to do it, so I keep on writing scenes for N3 and try to make the new actions fit. It’s totally emotional. Have I got something that will make readers feel the way I want them to feel. How is that? Anne Lamott says the reader should feel hope. I think the same thing.
In my rough of N3, I have written an ending that I don’t entirely like and I also know I don’t like it because too many of my characters are too indistinct.
Furthermore, I’m disappointed about the critical actions that distinguish Lostine as a dragon lady while showing her as clearly deeply loving my narrator. I have not got Lostine doing anything disarmingly self-less that would cause my narrator to trust her in any ultimate way.