
Almost unbelievably, I just received an e-mail from Bodega Magazine accepting a flash fiction of mine.

What is more, they are willing to pay me $35 for this story. A basic contract was even included with the e-mail along with a request to change a single word in the story. All just very, very nifty.

That someone would pay me cash for a story is a dream come true, is over-the-top huge for a neophyte like me.

Only problem is, Bodega is looking for un-pubbed stories.

As it would happen, back last year, a made a mess of a withdrawal from Bodega for the story in question and they viewed it “in process” while I had pubbed it at Friday Flash Fiction 10/30/20.

If Bodega can still use my story, it will be a miracle. It is called Whose Are You? and can be read in my “Works”.

Thanks for hearing my knucklehead confession.


Ginosko Literary Journal


Is Lostine Any Good!